Art & Culture in Vienna
Vienna's wondrous world of art and culture
When it comes to classical and contemporary art and culture, the choices here in Vienna are virtually limitless. Without a shadow of a doubt, Vienna can fairly proclaim itself the world's music capital. The Vienna Philharmonic and the Vienna Boys Choir are world-famous, as are the State Opera and the Golden Hall of the Musikverein.
When it is time for the annual Vienna Opera Ball, celebrities from the arts and other prominent members of society from around the world fill up the hotels of downtown Vienna. The Wiener Festwochen, the Summer Night Concerts, the Viennale and many other events are all annual highlights which attract tourists to the city. But Vienna is not only the capital of the classical arts. Contemporary painting, the visual arts and the "Vienna Sound" of Top-DJ's are also in international high demand.
One-Time Events and Special Exhibitions
If you want to pay Vienna a visit, you don't have to wait for the perfect moment in time, since cultural highlights greet tourists here year-round. Available at practically every hotel reception desk are booklets, magazines and brochures providing detailed information about all of the events. Visitors to our site can enjoy a quick overview of the wide range of opportunities they have to look forward to.
Vienna´s hotels are often an artwork unto themselves. The building and the interior architecture of many hotels are not merely comfortably appointed, they are also tastefully and artistically conceived.